Interesting and thought provoking post. I did not expect the science lesson, I really appreciated that! I’m curious if you have a science background, or just did your research on the topic?

Definitely a topic that I wrestled with for a while and in light of the clear passages of Scripture, whether I wanted it to be true or not it seems far too clear to be true, now I am fully content, and even delighted to know that before all creation God, the Creator of the universe knew me and lived, died, and rose from the grave that I am able to know Him and come to Him as the Son does with the Father by His intercession and the Spirit’s help.

Lovely topic, I think I’ll end it there.

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Hey Zane 👋🏻 God bless you, man.

Other than high school classes, I don’t have a background in science.

When I was originally writing this all out, it just… occurred to me by the Holy Spirit to look this stuff up. He brought to mind those various scriptures about “grafting” and “wheat vs tares” and then got me thinking about scientific classifications.

I was astounded by what I found!

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Thank you, and may he bless you as well!

Well that’s awesome, love when that kind of thing happens!

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